Book Your Tour

Choosing the right school is a difficult decision. Let's talk! Come take a tour, visit our campus, and learn all about what we have to offer. Let's see if The Skin Care Academy of Florida (Formerly Spa Professionals Academy) is the right option for you.

Contact Us:

(239) 249-0021

4061 Bonita Beach Road Ste 201

Bonita Springs, FL 34134

Disclaimer Prospective students are invited to tour the facilities and the program before discussing the price. We do this to show you the value of the education you would receive and to find out if we are a good fit for you.

Ready to be part of the family?

Student Application:

Due to our small classes and limited enrollment, classes fill up quickly. If you would like to be considered for enrollment immediately, please complete our student application and an admissions representative will contact you to set your enrollment date.